Tumbled Sardonyx stones that measure between 37 to 40mm. Usually two Sardonyx stones comprise an eighth pound.
Sardonyx meaning:
Sardonyx stone meaning:
Onyx forms in layers of chalcedony that alternate with clear and colored layers that formed when some other mineral was present. Sard is red, yellow or reddish brown. The red is from a watery presence of iron oxide. The red chalcedony is called limonite. Sometimes sardonyx is called red sardonyx stone.
Sardonyx properties:
Sardonyx stone has a strong Mars energy. It is great for start-ups, needed confrontations, clear-sighted vision, inspiring followers, improving vision, taking the lead, winning competitive sports, bold moves, inciting action, courageous strategy, and attracting these qualities to yourself in the forms of opportunities and men.