The Seed of Life motif comes from the Tradition of Sacred Geometry found in ancient traditions ranging from Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, Christian and in the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci! : It is a Solar Mandala that balances your chakras automatically!
The Seed of Life is based in the number seven, and associated with the seven chakras and the seven days of creation.
An octahedron is an eight-sided shape where each side is an equilateral triangle. This is the building block of creation and represents the first day of creation. It is the manifestations of an intention. This can be seen in Greek mythology as the All, Divine Chaos, in experiencing everything, experiences the creation of itself.
As the octahedron starts to revolve on it axis, it shapes encompasses the space of a sphere and this represents the second day of creation. This is the animation of the intention. In Greek mythology, this is the consciousness of Gaia - Mother Earth.
The third day is the creator's awareness of the existence of its intention in the physical plane. In Greek mythology, this would be Uranus, Gaia's mate. Their union is represented by the Visica Pricis: the two overlapping circles. The creator's consciousness, the All as manifested in Uranus, is a light particle. "Let there be light." The spectrum of light is contained within these two overlapping circles. It is an electromagnetic spectrum. It can also be seen in cell division. This is the building block for the blueprint of life.
On the fourth day the two cells become three, representing the three states of consciousness. The three cells or circles form a triangle that spins that becomes an encompassing sphere. In Greek mythology, this is when Cronus, the youngest of the 12 titans that Gaia and Uranus procreated, castrates his father. The castration causes Uranus to become a sky god, separate from the earth, and for fear, Cronus, to establish a contrasting reality to the light.
On the fifth day, the three cells multiply to become five cells or overlapping circles within the greater sphere or circle. In Greek mythology, this is the birth of Zeus, Gaia and Uranus' grandson, who will grow up to displace Cronus. It represents evolution as learning replaces fear or a new order replaces the outgrown establishment.
On the sixth day, the five cells multiply to become six cells or circles within a circle. This is the marriage of the masculine and the feminine principles. In Greek mythology, this is the union of Zeus and Hera.
The Seed of Life is complete as of the seventh day, the day of rest. There are six overlapping circles within a circle, totaling seven circles.
Mandala meaning
The word mandala comes from a Sanskrit word for circle. Different mandalas mean different things and have different purposes depending upon the design and its geometry, the colors and the cultural interpretation. Most often, it is used for purposes of meditation as a point of focus. The mandala embraces the sacred order of things on a cosmic and psychic level.
We also offer Flower of Life designs on tarot cloths, batiks and banners, mugs, gift cards, gift tags, a silver plated pewter medallion.
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