Prosperity Stones
Crazy Lace Agate: Attracts and enhances creativity, romance, abundance, generosity, leadership and vitality.
Golden Tiger’s Eye: Strengthens one’s executive qualities along the lines of integrity, justice, diplomacy, patience, honesty and compassion. It helps you to positively channel your emotions, both personally and in business. It attracts health and success.
Lapis Lazuli: One of the master crystals, aligns you and your higher self so you speak from your center of wisdom.
Rainbow Obsidian: Helps you to think big so that you can manifest big.
Stromatolite: Brings chaos into order and confusion into definition. Conducive to listening to all sides, evaluating what has been said, applying deductive reasoning and intuition and directing people and resources towards the achievement of your financial goals. Rules inner knowing of how to build an empire, amass a fortune, achieve success, renown, fame and an admirable reputation.
Fun and effective ritual: Take a piece of white paper. Draw a check on it. Make it payable to you in the amount you want to start regularly depositing. Place the lapis lazuli (dark blue) in the center of the drawn check. Put the crazy lace agate on the top left corner, the golden tiger’s eye on the top right corner, the rainbow obsidian on the lower left corner and the stromatolite on the lower right corner. Draw a circle around all of it.