Pyrite wand that measures 4.11 inches long. It is double terminated with six sides. The widest end is 22mm in diameter and the narrow end is 18mm in diameter.
Pyrite meaning:
Pyrite is also known as Fool's Gold and Iron Pyrite as it is an iron sulfide. Pyrite comes from a Greek word pyr, a reference to a stone that strikes fire. Pyrite is semi-conductible.
Pyrite properties:
According to Rudolph Steiner, Pyrite improves circulation, the respiration of the skin and larynx. Think of pyrite for bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, trachetitis, and tonsilitis. Think throat chakra.
Also nervous exhaustion.
It is often recommended for releasing the trauma at the core of stammering.
Product code 7B.