Astrological reading with Stephanie Jourdan, Ph.D. based in Western astrology using the Whole Sign house system.
A first-time reading typically includes an explanation and interpretation of the natal chart, solar progressed chart, solar arc chart, transits and Astro*Cartography (locational astrology). The reading can include other family members or friends provided those individuals have given consent.
The recording is sent as a large-file MP3 via
"My mother was a reporter for a newspaper that we would now label as New Age. This was in the 60's. She also worked at our local university, UCSD, and had a number of friends who were university students. They used to come over to the house to conduct table tapping sessions, i.e., channeling spirit communication through tapping of the table leg. Being a kid at the time, I was not included.
"One Saturday, one of the participants, a student, brought me some presents: a Rider-Waite tarot deck and Sydney Omarr's My World of Astrology. I can see it on my bookshelf as I type this.
"That book started it all. I read it over and over and then kept adding to my astrological library. I started writing an astrology column for the school newspaper in junior high school. In high school, I read for teachers.
"When asked what I wanted to pursue by my high school counselor, I proudly said astrologer only to be told that there is no way to make a living doing that. She recommended banking as a great field for women. That seriously derailed my professional beginnings, but not my interest. I secretly read for bank executives and fellow employees.
"I shifted into advertising and eventually opened my own advertising agency in 1982. Just before technology took over, I sold the company and went full time as an astrologer and hypnotherapist.
"That's a long time ago at this point and I have had the privilege to study with some of the best. I still love astrology as much as ever and I have refined my techniques into my own sets of protocols based upon 30 plus years of experience.
"I also love archetypal therapy, which goes hand-in-hand with astrology. Essentially, it is a guided visualization where the clients meets and communicates with his/her planets. Very dynamic and nothing short of amazing.
"I do record the reading, but I do not guaranty the outcome. Please feel free to record using your phone."