Aromatherapy for the Hypnotherapist: how to use essential oils for self-confidence, hypnotic regression birthing, passing exams and archetypal therapy.
A groundbreaking approach utilizing aromatherapy in a trance state.
Aromatherapy easily partners with hypnotherapy. Both have proved to naturally alter the chemistry of the brain and produce powerful and immediate results. Both are intensely primal and sensual ... stimulating the imagination, as well as the senses.
Aromas produce the only molecules tiny enough to pass the blood-brain barrier. Hypnosis opens the door to the higher self and beyond. Together, they strengthen the life force ... supporting the body-mind in its integrity to achieve balance.
Written by Dr. Stephanie Jourdan, a clinical hypnotherapist, aromatherapist, astrologer, and author of The Complete Idiot's Guide Astrology Dictionary.
"I've been using aromatherapy as a modality in my practice for more than 25 years and this is my new go to reference for essential oil recommendations."
Pamela J. Stalzer, D.C., D.Hom.
132 pages packed full of information you won't find elsewhere and lots of photos. 8-1/2 by 11 inch size with larger sized typography. Varnished cover with premium enameled stock. Published by Whale Song Press, Los Angeles, 2020.
Chapter topics:
What is aromatherapy and why does it complement hypnotherapy so well?
Aromatherapy and Eastern medicine.
Aromatic hypnotic regression.
Care of the soul.
The Affect Bridge.
Deepening technique.
How essential oils enter the brain.
How to muscle-test.
Aromatherapy and birthing.
Chakra deepening technique.
Essential oils to strengthen post-hypnotic suggestions.
Archetypal therapy.
Aroma constitutional types.
Quick Reference Guide