The cosmic power trio: Herkimer Diamond, Czechia Moldavite and Russian Shungite. Here they are artistically arranged in sterling silver.
All of these crystals are raw. They have not been cut or polished. The total length of the pendant from the top of the bail to the bottom of the diamond is 1.73 inches long.
Herkimer Diamond meaning:
Herkimer Diamond Double Terminated Crystals hand-mined in Herkimer. Herkimer Diamonds are colorless crystals that look like diamonds even though they are natural, rough crystals.
Herkimer Diamond properties:
Whereas Quartz crystals broadcast information, Herkimer Diamonds store information. The authentic Herkimer's, which these are, were mined in Herkimer, New York. Herkimer's formed during the Cambrian Age. They are about 500 million years old. They are an incredibly clear form of quartz.
Herkimer Diamond metaphysical properties:
Herkimer's align you with your heart's ultimate desires, both spiritually and materially. These crystals are about having it all!
Herkimer's are associated with attainment and completion. Numerologically, they are a culmination of all the values of numbers zero through twelve and rule the twelve months in a year and the twelve signs of the zodiac.
Herkimer Diamond healing properties:
Excellent for liver, gall bladder, bladder and intestines.
Shungite has been dubbed the "miracle stone."
Shungite meaning:
Shungite is not technically a crystal, but a mineraloid as it is more than 98% carbon. Its name is derived from where it was first mined in Russia: Shun'ga Village.
Shungite properties:
Peter the Great was treated for an ailment with shungite. He then established the first spa in Russia in Karelia where people were treated with water that had been purified using shungite. We now know that shungite is naturally antibacterial.
Shungite metaphysical properties:
Metaphysically, Shungite helps a restless nature calm down. More than anything, it is perhaps the best stone for grounding and is especially beneficial for individuals with pronounced traits of a quick wit, high intelligence and an acumen for elegant speech.
Shungite guides us in embracing the answers we have been seeking. It replenishes our internal resources by establishing a strong connection between our cells and the Earth.
Moldavite meaning:
Moldavite always green, but can vary from a yellowish green to a true dark green to a blush green. It is a vitreous (glasslike) silica formation that happened with a meteorite hit an area in the southern part of Germany and in the Czech Republic. This happened about 14 or 15 million years ago. Rocks that are naturally occurring glass as a result of a meteor impact are called tektites. They are different from the glass that forms from volcanoes in that they do not contain any water in them. If you melt volcanic glass, such as obsidian, it will be foamy because of the water content. Sometimes Moldavite is spelled moldevite or mouldavite.
The first time the public learned of its existence was in 1786 at the Bohemian Scientific Society in Prague during a talk given by Josef Mayer from the Prague University. He called the specimens chrysolites. Fifty years later, they were called Moldavite. The name had its roots in the Moldau River in Bohemia in the Czech Republic, which is where they found it.
Moldavite is also known as crater glass and as "the stone that fell to Earth."
Moldavite metaphysical properties:
Moldavite helps to dissolve conflict. Imagine the two sides of the issue or opposing forces in your mind as you hold your mouldavite. Now imagine them coming together into a ball of light.
Many shamans use Moldavite to clear traces or energies of black magic.
Moldavite healing properties:
Moldavite can be very effective in helping to alleviate problems of absorption, such as nutrients or even water. Along with Amethyst, it is recommended for issues of addiction, drugs and alcohol in particular.
If you have foot ailments, you can put your mouldavite in your bath as Moldavite is one of the best crystals for healing the feet.