Authentic Southwestern Santa Rosa Silver Medallion Pendant comprised of Santa Rosa 92.5 silver, Turquoise wedges, and small 2.5mm round Red Coral cabochons. 1.32 inches long by 1 inch wide.
This is a layer cake design locket. It is an old piece. The bottom is a round pan that comes off, but not easily. It fits snugly into the locket and would have to be coaxed open with your fingernails or a tiny flat screwdriver. It's empty inside. The bottom is soft silver and looks a little rumpled.
There are two bails if you wan to make it part of a more complicated design. You could string a silver chain through the end with the two Red Coral beads. The bail will accommodate a chain up to 1.3mm thick. Then you could add charms or beads to the end with the single Red Coral bed using small silver jump rings.
The design of the silver band along the bottom is figure 8s that represent snakes swallowing their own tails. This is about infinity and is the same as the lemniscate symbol.
Weighs 0.6 ounce.
Turquoise Stone meaning:
There is a lot to be understood about Turquoise meaning if you are familiar with the zodiac signs as it is a combination of Cancer and Pisces energies and specifically enhances those born during the last ten days of the sign of Cancer. Excellent stone to wear during hypnosis.
Turquoise often appears to a shaman or seer to be aware of a message to follow.
Turquoise Stone benefits:
Wearing Turquoise encourages confidence to follow one's heart with conviction. Consequently, the owner lives a life of honor.
If you need a more orderly or methodical lifestyle, keep your turquoise jewelry out on display.
Wear your real Turquoise necklace pendant to business meeting to insure that you are treated with respect and that a fair deal is struck. Also, turquoise stone is great to wear when choosing stocks or any kind of investment transaction.
Keep your turquoise jewelry near your bedside so that passion combines with love.
Turquoise healing properties:
Ancient Egyptians incorporated real Turquoise into the saddles for horses and camels to give them strength and fortitude.
Wearing real Turquoise jewelry and imbibing turquoise elixir is advised for humans to strengthen both the structural body and the immune system. Perhaps this is because the body is better able to assimilate what's needed from one's diet. Turquoise elixir is often administered to those with anorexia.
Turquoise stimulates tissue regeneration so wear following surgery, especially plastic surgery. This may be because real turquoise (as opposed to dyed Howlite) gets blood flowing into muscle tissue.
Turquoise is one of the most desirable crystals as it fortifies the entire body and helps to release all forms of disease.
Red Coral meaning:
Red Coral stimulates completion.
What is Sleeping Beauty Turquoise?
Even though it is called Sleeping Beauty, the color of the turquoise stone from the Sleeping Beauty mines is compared to the blue color of a robin's egg.
It was first discovered by Native Americans during the Anasasi period and mostly prized for use as beads.
Since the Sleeping Beauty turquoise crystalizes alongside copper, it became excavated along with the much sought after gold and copper by miners who were originally searching for gold. A miner named Monty Nichols went to great lengths to uncover more and more veins of turquoise. He called the turquoise by the name of the mountain that he was mining. The mountain was named Sleeping Beauty because it looked like a woman sleeping with her arms crossed.
Turquoise forms in big chunks, nuggets and in flat sheets. As done today, turquoise is mined by hand digging a layer of dirt first and they using power tools, such as a jackhammer, to remove the rock bed. Then laborers called "pickers" pick through the rock to separate out the rocks that actually have turquoise. Next, laborers called "chippers" chips away the matrix rock from the turquoise. Once cleaned, "sorters" sort out the pieces by size, quality and color.
Nichols promoted the turquoise as an affordable gemstone. He tumbled the turquoise nuggets and then cut them in half and brought them to market as "nugget cut" cabochons for jewelry making. Nichols dug out tons of turquoise from his mountain and so was able to sell it at affordable prices. Jewelers who didn't care for the veining and webbing in the turquoise from other mines flocked to buy the Sleeping Beauty Turquoise for its pure color. It is also more stable than other turquoises and often does not require resin stabilization or treatments such as dye. The Sleeping Beauty Mine in Globe, Arizona closed at the end of 2012. Even though China mines and produces a lot of turquoise, Monty Nichols was the biggest producer of quality turquoise in the world.
Product code 133.