Black Moonstone palm stone that measures 2.4 inches long and is a lovely puffy, oval shape, perfect for holding. Weighs 4.9 ounces.
There are streaks of orange that is the presence of feldspar. Moonstones often have various inclusions, such as miniscule "cracks" created by delamination pressure and showing uneven growth of the mineral. Such inclusions are called "millipedes".
Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet talked about how Moonstone can direct a person towards spiritual things and that it also instills a great sense of peace and harmony.
Black Moonstone meaning:
Black Moonstone helps you convert your nervous energy into clarity so that you have a natural balance between your mind and your heart. Hold Black Moonstone when you need to be impartial in your decisions or when you want to feel more peaceful. Black Moonstone seeks balance and harmony for its owner.
Want to present yourself as more confident and poised? Hold your Black Moonstone palm stone when you meditate.
Great gift for a therapist, mediator or life coach.
Black Moonstone is often recommended for indigestion or ulcers, this crystal imparts a core sense of safety. Use Black Moonstone for issues concerning abdomen, spleen, pancreas and the master gland: the pituitary. Perhaps its association with the moon is why it has the reputation for restoring harmony and health for women regarding their menstrual cycles, pregnancies and labors. There are many reports of women becoming comfortable during labor once they either held Moonstone in their hand (sometimes fist is a more accurate description) or placed a Moonstone on their solar plexus. Black Moonstone is especially great for easing cramps.
Black Moonstone is an excellent stone for clairaudients and clairvoyants. Moonstone heightens the ability to hear the "still small voice within."
The Greeks and Romans decorated their moon goddesses with Moonstone and used in jewelry for centuries. Roman mythology interpreted Moonstone as the ray of the Moon crystalized. In more recent history, the moonstone became popular during the art nouveau period; French goldsmith, Rene Lalique, and many others created a large quantity of jewelry using this stone, The most common moonstone is a type of adularia, which was named for Mount Adularia in Switzerland, where they mined moonstone early on.