15-3/4 inch strand of round 8mm Kambaba Jasper beads.
Kambaba Jasper is also known as Crocodile Jasper and is a relatively new crystal from Madagascar. It is not a true Jasper though. You get much more than just Jasper as Crocodile Jasper is composed of Amphibole (crocidolite), Cristobalite (white spots in Snowflake Obsidian), Feldspar (seals the aura), Quartz, Sanidine, Albite (Rainbow Moonstone), Uralite, Leucoxene and Rutilated Hematite. Kambaba Jasper is very soothing. grounding and protective. Balances emotions and detoxifies the cells. Aids plants, animals and humans in the assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Increases endurance and powers of observation. Known as a prosperity stone, it encourages all kinds of creative growth.
Shamans use it to prevent and discourage psychic attack and to assist them in seeing deeper realities.
Works to shield humans and pets from electromagnetic radiation and environmental pollution.