11mm by 22.5mm tear drop-shaped, Peach Italian Coral earrings with 4mm round, domed Lapis Lazuli cabochons.
Ancient medicine utilized coral elixir for delirium, fevers, gum disease, leukemia, and issues involving the spleen. Current energetic medicine uses coral elixir for asthma, constipation, coughs, emaciation, indigestion, jaundice, loss of appetite, obesity, issues and issues involving the eyes.
Peach coral is excellent for those individuals who love perfection, order and clever systems. Great for lawyers, judges, scientists, physicians and surgeons. It attracts materials comforts, such as a lovely home or ample abundance for luxurious living and gracious giving.
Lapis is one of the master crystals that does so much so well. Great for throat, esophagus, larynx or upper bronchial inflammation - just hold it over the affected area. Helps your mind focus. Releases stress and anxiety. Autistic individuals find greater ease with reality by handling this crystal. Stimulates the lymphatic system, pituitary and thymus. Use for any issue concerning spleen, lungs, lymph, throat and thymus. Removes toxins from the body and even your refrigerator. Can be used to safely access and released repressed emotions, which is why it is considered an important tool for psychotherapists. Shy individuals feel more comfortable within themselves and around strangers. Helps up stay aligned with your Higher Self. Placing Lapis under a pyramid-shape keeps it energized.