Clear Quartz frog amulet on a 30 inch knotted black Nylon cord. This little frog pendant measures 1 inch long by 0.87 inch wide. There is a silver tone metal loop attached under the chin of the frog. The loop is actually the curled end of a jewelry pin. The head of the pin is near the tail.
In Egyptian mythology, there is a goddess named Heqt who has a frog's head as her head. She rules transformation, birth, rebirth and resurrection. Some Egyptians place a gemstone frog in the coffin of their loved one so that they will have a magnificent life when they are reborn.
Also known as a frog fetish. A fetish is a gemstone that has been carved in the shape of an animal so that it embodies the energy of that animal. Frog fetishes enable growth, abundance, pregnancy and water.
Clear Quartz crystal meaning:
Quartz crystal is the Earth's gift. It is the most common crystal and one of the most useful. It lessens negativity, it raises your consciousness, and increases your psychic ability. It is an amplifier. It should be abundantly present in sacred spaces, near supplements, and during meditation and healing.
Clear Quartz metaphysical properties:
Clear quartz is pure yin: it restores the High Priestess archetype. It is without ego and therefore brings ego and egos into balance. It enables pure vision.
Clear Quartz healing properties:
Great for issues pertaining to gastro-intestinal, circulation, lymph, nerves and pineal gland. Helps detox in a way that fat is released.
Product code 5b.