Place candle on sales circulars and light. Repeat prayer once for each store visited and continuously for each mall entered. In extreme cases, balance checkbook and pay down credit card bills. Good Luck!

OUR LADY OF SHOPPING THERAPY prayer candle measures 7-7/8 inches high by 2.27 inches in diameter.
The Prayer
I place the devotion of my sorrowful heart at thy feet so that I might continue to enjoy abundant “shopping therapy” sprees. Grant me the patience to endure rude salespersons, the strength to balance multiple shopping bags, and the stamina to sprint with ease on my quest for the best sales. And with the help of your grace, I implore you to provide me with an ever-higher credit limit. Amen.
Laura Belle Lamp is the creative genius behind the art. Susan Loving created these candles to share her art with the world.
Directions for Use