Golden Labradorite Spectrolite cabochon. This pear cabochon measures 36.4mm by 59mm.
Labradorite meaning uses:
You will fall in love with this stone for its amazing qualities and be mesmerized by its deep aqua luminescence! When shown in the light, it displays a beautiful spectrum of colors from deep aqua blue to green to gold. It was extremely popular in jewelry in the 18th century, especially in western Europe. Jewelers would mount it in "L" shapes as the "L" in luck. It is believed to precipitate synchronicity.
Labradorite cabochon meaning:
Depending upon the shape, Labradorite stimulates inner vision with different emphasis. Round shapes stimulate creativity. Square shapes stimulate manifestation. Rectangles stimulate sacred space. Ovals stimulate ovulation and conception. Flame shapes stimulate beginnings. Teardrop and pear shapes stimulate abundance and growth.
Labradorite spiritual meaning:
In the same way that Angelite draws former Lemurian's to it, Labradorite attracts former Atlantean's. Of course, many souls incarnated all over the place.
Labradorite metaphysical properties:
Labradorite releases old trauma and abuse from childhood, especially sexual abuse. Also dissolves old grudges so that you can move on in your life.
Labradorite awakens your inner vision while offering psychic protection at the same time. Working with it strengthens your auric field. This blocks anyone wishing to psychically invade your space while you connect with your inner being.
Just as Labradorite contains both light and dark elements, it helps you to see how within duality there is complete unity, allowing you to penetrate the illusion that we think is reality so that we can see a bigger truth. It’s a great stone for demystifying any situations or question, whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual.
Labradorite has Sagittarian and Chiron qualities. It encourages expansion, freedom from past life wounds, and release from karma. Labradorite gives access to past, present and future experiences enabling greater understanding and healing where necessary. Great for healers, who benefit from seeing own and clients’ past life experiences, astral connections and roots of current experiences. Labradorite communicates the conscious mind's desires to the subconscious mind.
This is the stone of adventure, synchronicity, experiences of expansion, and knowledge of the soul. It awakens psychic powers of clairvoyance, astral travel and visions of the third eye.