One 15 inch Botswana Agate faceted beads round 10mm beads drilled side-to-side through the centers of the beads. 38 bead count.
Botswana Agate meaning:
Botswana agate is one of the most prized agate varieties. These Botswana agate beads display gorgeous, delicate bands of gray-brown, gray and white with a hint of pink or mauve in some of the stones. Some of the bands are transparent, allowing a view inside the structure of the stone.
This member of the agate family is a banded agate. A banded agate is composed of thin, multi-colored layers of chalcedony and crystalline quartz; the different band colors arise from trace amounts of elements such as iron and manganese. Agate is mined all over the world, but Brazil, Botswana, and South Africa, and the western United States have particularly abundant supplies of interesting agate varieties.
Botswana Agate is volcanic in origin from 187 million years ago. Unlike other igneous stones which form in flat layers, these stones formed in waves along rolling in and out of existing fault lines.
Botswana Agate does come from Botswana, Africa. There it is known as Sunset Stone. It is believed to hold the sun's light and it is believed to provide safety and security to hose who are alone in the dark.
In Africa, Botswana Agate is used in fertility rituals.
Botswana Agate properties:
Botswana Agate is amazing. It's the best stone for increasing oxygen intake throughout your body and specifically skin, lungs, blood and brain. It is excellent for smokers or those who have suffered from smoke inhalation. Great for life guards; helps revive rescued individuals. Hold a Botswana pocket stone after exposure to X-rays.
These round agate beads lift depression and lethargy. Encourages wisdom by encouraging reflecting, checking within, slowing down, and learning from past behaviors.