One 15.5 inch strand of 8.2 mm round polished Rhyolite beads. 49 beads per strand.
Great strung as a necklace as it empowers the fifth chakra, the throat, to express from the fourth chakra, the heart.
Rhyolite is an igneous rock. Igneous comes from the word ignis, which means fire in Latin. Think ignite. It has the properties of the fire signs in astrology.
It has the same composition as granite, but it is extrusive, meaning it is volcanically-formed as opposed to granite, which is intrusive, meaning it forms below the earth's surface. As Rhyolite cools, it forms a bunch of tiny, even microscopic in size, crystals. If it didn't form any crystals, it would actually be obsidian instead of rhyolite. Granite, which forms inside the magma, cools much more slowly, and tends to produce larger crystals. If Rhyolite has a lot of holes (vesicules) in it, it is pumice. The Greek word 'rhyx' translates as 'stream of lava.'
July birthday stone.