Moroccan Selenite Crystal Wand instantly clears your aura and space! They are also called Selenite sticks or Selenite rods. Since they clear stuck energy, you might also have heard them called Selenite healing wands as they seem to clear blocked energy in the body as well.
Selenite Sticks meaning:
Selenite sticks are creations of nature and vary a bit from one to another, but each Selenite wand is incredibly beautiful and powerful. Selenite crystal is the best crystal for clearing negativity from your body and your environment.
Selenite Wand uses:
Starting at the feet at the front of the person, wave the Selenite wand up the body and over the head and down the back of the person to the heels and then point the wand at a window or an open door to release the energy where it can be neutralized.
Store your Selenite wand in a windowsill to automatically clear a room.
Selenite crystal is named for Selene, the Greek goddess of the Full Moon who bathes in the ocean before starting her nightly trek across the sky in her chariot driven by a team of white bulls. She is associated with the color white, radiance, peaceful sleep, steadfast love, fertility, nighttime sex, pregnancy, lactation, gentle healing, full moon, motherhood, silver, and roundedness in appearance, such as a round face or breasts. Her brother is Helios, the Greek god of the Sun.
Selene is best known for her eternal love of a mortal, Endymion, a shepherd that she fell in love with at first sight. She asked Zeus to grant Endymion immortality so that she could be with him in his youth forever. Zeus put the young man in a perpetual sleep so Selene could kiss and caress him every night. Although he was always asleep, they produced fifty daughters.
Selenite Wand cleansing:
Energetically, these are self-cleansing. Dust-wise, brush clean with a soft paint brush or powder brush. This is a sodium or salt-based crystal and will dissolve over time if you clean with water.
We have raw selenite wands for sale in six different lengths.